The Villages at Cypress Creek Survey

Survey Information Request

Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch shortly.
1. Do you feel that the current levels of enforcement by the MPOA of the community deed restrictions is adequate?
2. Do you feel that the MPOA community common areas are well maintained?
3. Community inspections for the purpose of enforcing the MPOA deed restrictions are currently performed on a monthly basis. Do you feel this is adequate?
4. Would you be willing to pay more in annual fees to have inspections and committee meetings occur more frequently?
5. Do you feel that the covenant enforcement and fining processes within the MPOA are adequate?
6. Do you feel that the enforcement and fining processes are fair to the members?
7. If warranted, do you feel that there should be more fines issued by the MPOA against property owners?
8. Do you feel that the MPOA and management should work with members to achieve compliance with the deed restrictions before fines are assessed?
9. Do you feel that the enforcement and fining procedures of the MPOA are too severe?
10. For the most part, do you feel that property owners within the MPOA adequately maintain their homes and commercial properties?
11. Do you feel that parking on the streets within the MPOA is a serious problem?
12. Do you feel that parking or blocking sidewalks within the MPOA is a serious problem?
13. Would you be in favor of allowing swing sets and play sets to be installed within fenced back yards of residential properties?
14. Do you feel that the assessments you pay for the MPOA are too high?
15. Do you feel that the annual assessments are in proportion with the services you receive?
16. Do you feel that Villages at Cypress Creek MPOA is a family friendly community?
The Villages at Cypress Creek, An Equal Housing Opportunity
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